Apex Transportation & Tours
Napa Sample Itinerary 4
*Note: Please calculate travel time to get to the first winery from your hotel or residence and schedule our transportation services accordingly. Please keep in mind that pricing, time frames, and tours may get outdated due to consistent changes in winery hours of operation and tour offerings.


Sterling Vineyards
- Winery: Sterling Vineyards
- Winery Phone: 800-726-6136
- Winery Address: 1111 Dunaweal Ln, Calistoga, CA 94515
- sterlingvineyards.com Website:
- Event: custom
- Duration: custom
- Fee: custom

Castello di Amorosa
- Winery: Castello di Amorosa
- Winery Phone: (707) 967-6272
- Winery Address: 4045 St Helena Hwy, Calistoga, CA 94515
- castellodiamorosa.com Website:
- Event: custom
- Duration: custom
- Fee: custom

Lunch: Buster's Original Southern BBQ
- Winery: Lunch: Buster's Original Southern BBQ
- Winery Phone: (707) 942-5605
- Winery Address: 1207 foothill blvd calistoga CA 94515
- busterssouthernbbq.com Website:
- Event: custom
- Duration: custom
- Fee: custom

Vincent Arroyo Winery
- Winery: Vincent Arroyo Winery
- Winery Phone: (707) 942-6995
- Winery Address: 2361 Greenwood Ave, Calistoga, CA 94515
- vincentarroyo.com Website:
- Event: custom
- Duration: custom
- Fee: custom

Von Strasser and Lava Vine Winery
- Winery: Von Strasser and Lava Vine Winery
- Winery Phone: (707) 942-9500
- Winery Address: 965 Silverado Trail N, Calistoga, CA 94515
- vonstrasser.com Website:
- Event: custom
- Duration: custom
- Fee: custom